"There is no closed figure in nature. Every Shape participates with another. No one thing is independent of another, and one thing rhymes with another, and light gives them shape"
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Still Life is one of my favourite subjects as there's always something to be found, even on rainy days.
Whether I'm in the kitchen, garden or out & about at one of the many National Trust properties that we visit annually, there's always something to catch my eye. A trip to the Garden Center holds a new excitement and even a bunch of flowers from a supermarket can last a lifetime, immortalised by the press of a button.
"There is no closed figure in nature. Every Shape participates with another. No one thing is independent of another, and one thing rhymes with another, and light gives them shape"
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Still Life is one of my favourite subjects as there's always something to be found, even on rainy days.
Whether I'm in the kitchen, garden or out & about at one of the many National Trust properties that we visit annually, there's always something to catch my eye. A trip to the Garden Center holds a new excitement and even a bunch of flowers from a supermarket can last a lifetime, immortalised by the press of a button.